What are the 7 principles of interior design?
The principles of interior design are the guiding lights of how a space should be used and shaped. They can be applied to every aspect of your home, from the layout of rooms to the color scheme or furniture selection. They influence everything from the overall feel you want in your home to what kind of furniture is appropriate for each room.
Balance is the placement of objects in space. It’s about creating a relationship between objects and their surroundings so that they work together harmoniously.
When we talk about balance, we’re talking about symmetrical or asymmetrical designs. Symmetrical layouts look like something has been cut in half—like if you were to cut your hand with a knife and then put it back together again (not exactly how I’d recommend doing this). Asymmetrical layouts have some portion that’s different from the rest: for example, perhaps one side looks larger than another because there are two doors on each side of your room versus just one door on one side versus none at all on another; or maybe it has three windows instead of two and doesn’t have any corner windows at all but does have an extra wall in between two walls (this would be considered an island). Radial design involves taking into account key points around your home—for example, if someone lives alone they might want to spend more time outdoors because they’re closer to nature; whereas couples may want somewhere more private where they can enjoy quiet conversations without being disturbed by others nearby.”
Rhythm is the repetition of elements. Rhythm is the flow of a room, and it’s one of the most important elements in the design. The rhythm of a space can be broken down into two different types: visual and physical. Visual rhythm refers to how an area looks when viewed from different angles or distances—for example, if you’re standing at point A and looking at point B through a window, you will see a different pattern if you stand at point B instead.
Physical rhythm refers to how an area feels physically as well as how it appears visually—for example, if you walk into an empty room with no furniture and turn on an overhead light switch (or even just open its door), then close that same door behind yourself again after stepping out onto another floor; your eye will perceive some sort of motion happening within this space because there are now three distinct numbers for comparison: “before” versus “after.” This type of movement creates tension between these two points in time which leads us back toward our first point about design being all about the balance between things happening simultaneously throughout our lives!
Proportion and scale
Proportion and scale are the main components of scale, which is a fundamental concept in interior design. Proportion refers to how things relate to one another; it may also be referred to as unity or harmony. Scale refers to size relationships between elements within a space and their relationship with each other within that space.
The most common examples of proportion include:
- The relationship between width (breadth) and height (length). This would be commonly seen in paintings or sculptures where there’s a balance between these two measurements, even though they’re different sizes altogether from each other. For example: If someone were standing on one side of an object like this one here…
A focal point is a focal point, and there are many ways to create one in your home. One way is by using color, texture or pattern to add interest to the space. Lighting can also create a sense of depth and lightness by drawing attention from one area of your room to another. Furniture is another way that you can create interest; making sure there are different pieces with different colors or sizes that work together will give the illusion of movement throughout your living area.
Harmony and unity
Harmony and unity are the two principles that create a balanced design. Harmony is about creating a sense of flow throughout the space, while unity is about creating a sense of consistency throughout the space.
Harmony is achieved by using a scale (size), proportion, and rhythm as well as other elements such as shape and color. Unity can be achieved by using color to create balance within an area or room, or by using a scale (size) and proportion to achieve harmony within an area or room
Contrast is the difference between two or more things. It can be used to create depth, and movement and draw attention to an object or idea.
When you see something that’s bright and colorful, your brain will automatically think of something dark and dull next to it. This is why contrast is important when designing interiors: by using different colors or materials (or both) on different surfaces of a room, you’ll be able to draw more attention to certain elements in your home.
Some of the best details are those that help make a space feel more personal, like bookcases or built-in desks. They can also add to the design of a room and give it a unique feel—like this office in London, which features an open staircase with bookshelves on each side of it. And don’t forget about personality! Details such as paintings or posters can bring out your own style and help you express who you are as an owner.
These principles help create a cohesive design.
This is the most important principle of all. Interior design is about creating a space that is functional, beautiful, and comfortable. The goal of interior designers is to create spaces that work for their client’s needs and preferences—and this can only be accomplished by applying these seven principles.
The first principle is balance: every room should be filled with items that complement each other rather than compete for attention or attention span in any given space (think about how you feel when everyone at your dinner table has an iPad). The second principle is harmony: everything must flow smoothly from one thing to another without any bumps along the way; otherwise, it won’t feel like the home you’ve always dreamed of! The third principle focuses on proportionality—the size relationships between objects in your home should look equal yet different enough so they don’t look too small together or too big individually when viewed side-by-side.”
I hope that these principles have given you a better understanding of how to create a cohesive interior design. It’s important to remember that the principles are not rigid rules, but rather guidelines for creating balance within your space. The important thing is that they help create a design that feels like a natural extension of its surroundings and ultimately makes your home feel like it belongs there.
Chief Editor @ Sale Sofas // Christine Smith is a professional writer and comes up with facts everybody wants to know.